Echo Journal is the journal for students of the Humanities Honours Programme at Utrecht University. The aim of this journal, is to provide our students with a place to publish their undergraduate work, as well as to acquaint our students with academic peer-reviewed publishing.

The subjects in our journal mirror the diversity of students in the programme. Hence, the Echo Journal presents papers from a wide array of academic disciplines. The journal accepts papers that are worthy for the honours-community; our standard is as high as that of the average honours-student. For more information on the criteria, consult the submission guidelines.

Echo Journal aims to simulate the world of academic publishing. Hence, the journal is anonymously peer-reviewed. It has an editorial board, submission guidelines, and is open-access. Submissions are either made available in both print and online, or only online, depending on the nature of the article. To view the latest issue, navigate to latest issue.

Current editorial board

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Latest articles

[NEW] Nomos and Madness: Herodotus and Euripides on the sanctity of custom

Peter Oele

[NEW] Spatial Deixis in Arentino

Victoria Giaccherini

[NEW] Academics Just Wanna Have Fun: Questioning the Roles and Values of Education to the Youths of the 21st Century.

Alya Naura Khairunnisa

[NEW] 🇳🇱 Heel Goed Nieuws: Moderne vormen van apocalyptische tijd en hun effect op het beeld van de geschiedenis

Mats Dieleman

[NEW] I Hear America Howling: A Voice that Represents a Society in Walt Whitman’s I Hear America Singing and Allen Ginsberg’s Howl.

Elle van Rooyen

[NEW] Finding New Voices in the Odyssey: How a Female Translator of One of the Oldest Existing Tales Managed to Change the Narrative

Dorien van Gerven

🇳🇱 Christen-zijn in de academische wereld; de meerwaarde van een open en respectvol debat

Thomas Overduijn

Online exclusive

🇳🇱 De tegenstrijdige politieke voorkeuren van de nederturken

Emin Ayverdi

Online exclusive

🇳🇱 Stuur maar een appje: Een onderzoek naar de invloed van sociale media op rouw

Loes van Deursen

Secluded Sociality:On the Social Potential of Single-Player Video Games

Pieter Nolet

Dramaturgical Analysis of Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette

Agata Kok

Related Reasoning

Jarno Smets

🇳🇱 Anders Lijk Ik Dom: Een pleidooi voor gelijke behandeling van en beeldvorming over vmbo- en mbo-studenten en -afgestudeerden.

Lisa Pais

Art and Activism Making the Invisible Visible, and Performative Citizenship: the Role of Urban and Artistic Intervention In Public Space

Ani Encheva

🇳🇱 De Kracht en Effictiviteit van Beeld: Protestposters Rondom Klimaatverandering

Jaicy Schers & Jonathan Spek

The Hidden Demarcations Around Coffee & Slavery: A Bitter Brew

Thomas Hickey

Another Day: A Short Story

Svetozara Bozhilova

Naturing the Anthropocene: A Confrontation

Flora Lehmann

The Paranormal and Heretical Discourse in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights

Ive Veric